Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yeah so . . . uhhh . . .

This whole blogging thing . . . not going so well. :-P I've tried this a few times now and I do it for a few weeks and then it kinds peters out. I have a live journal I don't use much any more either.

I guess I kinda feel like all the personal stuff I could blog about . . . is too personal (I'm actually pretty private that way :-P ) and would just sound like a bunch of whining and complaining. And all the cool interesting news I could blog about I have usually read on other blogs or websites and is usually on my google reader shared page, which is linked here anyway on the side. So what exactly am I supposed to be blogging about??

Plus I do use twitter and have facebook so there are micro blogging things that take up most of the rest of the topics I could blog about with status updates and tweets.

So yeah, I guess I just suck at blogging. :-( Which is strangely disappointing.

Hell I doubt if anyone is even reading this anyway. :-P

But if you are, have a great weekend.


4fthawaiian said...

This sounds so much like my reasoning for not blogging.. I fixed it by setting up a lifestream on my site.. It just aggregates all my socnet stuff into one place. Kinda like a personal friendfeed that you can customize. Highly recommended!

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