Sunday, November 23, 2008

Deep Thoughts and Things to Ponder

Long time no post eh? *listening to the crickets* Yeah okay, anyway . . . I found these in a friend's facebook note. They are all uncredited but some of them do sound familiar. There were quite a few but I picked out just the ones that really hit me. My own comments in [ ] below.

"It's a small world. You gotta use your elbows a lot."
[No kidding, especially during Christmas. *facepalm*]

"If you let someone kick you once, they'll kick you once. If you let someone kick you three times, they'll kick you three times, but if you reach out and break their foot, ain't no more kickin' gonna be goin' on."

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
[I consider myself more Agnostic than Atheist, but the sentiment still applies I think.]

"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."
[Heh. This one just tickles my weird sense of humor. ^_^]

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
[I can think of quite a few different three word combinations but we won't go into them. :-P]

"Every man dies, not every man really lives."
[This is actually a quote from William Wallace in Braveheart. Gods I love that movie . . .]

"I think a lot of people look at me and say that I'm weird. But what I've noticed - and this used to worry me a lot when I was little - is that I don't know one normal person. I've never met one, actually. We all have our special, odd little things, and we should be proud of that"
[I know I'm weird. *lol* And most of my friends are weird in varying degrees.]

"It's the friends you can call at 4am that matter."
[Couldn't agree more.]

"Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right."

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
[I don't really mind the rain as long as it isn't all freakin day.]

"We will either find a way, or make one."
[I can't help but picture marines hacking through the jungle with machetes . . . ]

"There comes a time in everyone's life when you have to go forth and be vicious!"
[Grrrr baby!]

"A cause is not worth dying for. You only get one life, but you can pick up another five causes on any street corner."
[Kinda agree . . . kinda disagree.]

"Just when you're getting a grip on things, fate comes along and jumps on your fingers."
[Stupid fate. *shakes fist*]

"You don't make a soul strong by walking all over it. You make dents."
[Not exactly sure what effect dents have on a soul but it was an interesting qoute.]

"If you haven't got respect, you haven't got anything."
[Sounds like something a gang banger would say if you only take it a face value. There is respect for yourself, having respect for others and earning respect from others. They are all important.]

"The path to wisdom begins with a single step. Where people go wrong is ignoring the thousands of other steps that come after it. They decide to become one with the universe and forget to do the things that would give it any kind of meaning."

"The phrase 'someone ought to do something' is not, in itself, helpful. People never add 'and that someone is me'."

"Don't sweat the small stuff, and remember, it's all small stuff."

"Belief is a powerful thing."
[No kidding. Just look at how the churches have cashed in on it. :-P]

"You make your own timing. You only miss the moment if you don't seize it. Because you're too afraid of what might happen if you do."

"Feel the fear, and do it anyway."
[Easier said than done eh?]

"If you don't understand my silence, you can't understand my words."
[ . . . . . ]

"Never apologize, never explain."
[Sounds good in theory but really . . . not exactly practical.]

"It's not too late. One day, it will be."

"This is a fork in the road. It's just a choice. We can say, this is too hard, and quit. Or we can say, this is the bad part, the good part is just around the corner. We can decide we're going to make it."

"Better to die standing than to live on your knees."
[Well . . . for Men anyway. ;-) ]

"Yesterday is history. Tomarrow's a mystery. Today I'm still alive."
[*singing Still Alive by Jonathon Coulton*]

"No-one's going to give you power. You have to take it."

"Life is struggling to do the impossible - to succeed . . . or die, knowing you have tried."
[Seems rather dramatic doesn't it? :-P]

"Never refuse an experience."

"Doing the right thing can never be measured by the outcome of events. Judge yourself by what you do, not what happens afterwards."

"In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter?"
[It really doesn't.]

"Believe in fate, but lean well forward so she can see you."

"Just go in there and remember - you're fantastic."

"Avoid unpleasantness."

"What do you want to remember?"

"No fear, no limits."

"Show me a person who doesn't have a past and I'll show you a boring bastard."


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